This week opens right where last week ended, at Godric's mansion and the arrival of Luke (The Lukinator) with his handy bomb-vest. Bill is still outside telling Lorena to buzz off, she still isn't real happy.
Inside Bill finds Sookie covered with Eric; he saved her. While Bill heads out to stop the rest of the FOtS people, Eric tells Sookie that he can't heal himself on account of the silver. She has to suck the silver out of his chest. I don't find anything wrong with this, but Sookie hates Eric...she does it anyway.
Hoyt and Jessica are still talking about the fact that she will forever be a virgin. Hoyt says he won't leave her and that she should meet his mother. Ol' Maxine Fortenberry sure is a surly one, this can't go well for the two of them.
Tara and Eggs (he can die whenever he wants to, please) are all beat-to-shit, which is the result of the nasty Hunter's Souffle Maryann served them. They don't have a clue what is going on and Maryann starts yapping about mystic's acting ecstatic for their Gods.
Sam is still stuck in the jail with all the other orgy nutters. Of course he's in his own cell, so there's that.
Sookie can't sleep and she goes to talk to Jason in his room. Jason apologizes for going along with the FOtS and Sookie brings up their Grandmother and says they have to do good for their family name.
Poor Arlene is all alone at Merlotte's and she and Terry talk. Turns out neither of them remember what happened during their blackouts. In walks Tara and Eggs and Lafayette immediately recognizes that someone has been beating down on Tara. He assumes, correctly, that it was Eggs and confronts him.
Finally Hoyt gets a pair and stands up to his mother. He says she hates everyone and he doesn't understand why she has so much hate in her. He tells her that if she doesn't come meet Jessica he'll leave and she'll never see him again!
And then there was the scene seen around the world! Sookie dreams of Eric, or Eric makes her dream of him. I'm not quite sure
Maryann shows up at the jail looking for Sam. But Sam has turned himself into a fly and Maryann is NOT happy, but she does release everyone.
Jessica, Hoyt and Maxine are at Merlotte's and soon enough Jessica starts annoying Maxine. She's told that Maxine won't be letting her ruin her son's future and she insults Jessica with a comment about not being able to offer her son children. Hoyt gets up and storms out with Jessica and says he won't be coming home ever. Maxine grabs the beer bottle and starts a'swiggin'.
Ut-oh, Lafayette and LettieMae show up at Sookies where Tara, Eggs and Maryann are playing cards and drinking. They want to take her away but Eggs gets all up in their faces and the black eyes come out to play
Back at the hotel, Nan is scolding Godric about the PR mess he's created and all she has to clean up. And a little aside, what is going on behind her...
Back at Merlotte's Maxine and her friends are drinking and talking when in walks Maryann, bringing in the wind.
Eric confronts Godric before he goes up to the roof and on his way out Bill stops him and says they have a score to settle. Eric tells Bill now isn't the time and Bill punches him straight in the face and asks if he's made his point? Eric tells him to get out of the way.
Sookie tells Bill that she is going up to the roof to talk to Godric, she feels she owes him. Bill doesn't understand why she feels she needs to help. And then comes the most heartbreaking and beautiful scene I've seen on this show to this day. And Skarsgård broke out the beloved Swedish.
Eric pleads with Godric NOT to meet the sun and shows how incredibly wonderful an actor Alexander is. This entire episode showcased him brilliantly and allowed him to show all the miniscule facets he brings to the character of Eric. It's no secret that I adore him, but he is amazing in this role (if it's a secret I adore him, you haven't been paying attention).
Anyway, Sookie says she will stay with Godric as long as it takes for him to meet the sun. He tells her it won't take long at his age. He asks her about God and if he will be forgiven for his sins, though he doesn't think he deserves it. She says God doesn't punish and he will be forgiven. And then he meets the sun
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